What we do

Scientific Program Improvement
and Publishing Support

For Educators, Industry, and Government

Program approval and accreditation

ESR provides broad-based experience and objective analysis. The broad experience in industry, government and academia of Empire Science Resources and its consultant network can help resolve problems. While Empire Science Resources can help you at any point in the problem-solving process, early intervention will more than likely prevent crisis and costly situations.

ESR provides documented and objective support for healthy and strong businesses, programs and projects, allowing you and your staff to proceed with confidence in new directions as well as in developing strategic innovations.

Intellectual Property

ESR works with local, regional, and international universities and higher education systems to develop an infrastructure that increases participation and competitiveness in federally and privately funded programs, provides professional development opportunities to enhance scholarly productivity and promote faculty career advancement.

We work with clients to develop fund raising strategies that carry programs through “quiet phase” initiation to full implementation activities. We offer solutions to competing funding requests from a variety of sources within the same organization.

Instructional PUblications and digital media

ESR publishes a broad range of customized products. With our expertise in advanced publishing techniques, we provide publications at high quality and low cost. See our Publications.

Students who learn basic laboratory operations through a general course are better able to grasp the significance of principles expressed in advanced courses. It is critical, therefore, that introductory courses continue to include laboratory studies that emphasize basic principles, illustrate qualitative results, promote quantitative techniques, and capture the joy of discovery.


ESR believes that excellence in any significant endeavor requires input from a diverse group of individuals. ESR promotes higher education and workplace diversity by targeting challenges with faculty and student recruitment and retention. ESR focuses on STEM areas, with particular focus on the physical sciences, biological sciences, and mathematics.  Our institutional analysis followed by specific recommendations have led to stability, increased scholarship as measured by grants, contracts, and peer reviewed publication in regional and national colleges and universities.


ESR works with local, regional, and international universities and higher education systems to develop an infrastructure that increases participation and competitiveness in federally and privately funded programs, provides professional development opportunities to enhance scholarly productivity and promote faculty career advancement.

We develop fund raising strategies with clients that carry programs through “quiet phase” initiation to full implementation activities. We offer solutions to competing funding requests from a variety of sources within the same organization.

safety and compliance

ESR provides solutions to improve laboratory safety with a special focus on chemical laboratories, and scientific documentation. We also provide methods to ensure compliance.

Empire Science Resources consulting partners conduct workshops and work one-on-one to help our higher education clients obtain competitive as well as targeted grants and contracts from governmental agencies (e.g. NSF, NIH, Dept. of Educ.). Our success working with faculty in small private institutions (e.g., Shaw University, Tuskegee University, University of the Virgin Islands), with large research universities (e.g., University of Kentucky, City University of New York) and international universities (e.g., University of Ibadan, Nigeria) has generated millions of dollars in grants and contracts, and hundreds of thousands in indirect costs (overhead). Most importantly, valuable resources, equipment, student and faculty support are the end product.