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general chemistry

General Chemistry,
Quantitative and Qualitative Laboratory Experiments 4E 260 pages, 22 Experiments, 22 Prelaboratories, Resource database, 4 Appendices

This fourth edition continues and expands upon the laboratory exercises and pedagogic philosophy of General Chemistry Quantitative and Qualitative Laboratory Experiments. New features include an updated and revised Laboratory Equipment and Techniques section, selective report questions, prelaboratory exercises, and Further Reading references. Thus, this text provides qualitative and quantitative laboratory exercises to serve the needs of a one-year general chemistry program. 
Table of Contents and Preface | Sample Chapter
|  Publisher's Notes |


Phsics covers General.png

General Physics Laboratory Mechanics, Light and Thermodynamics, 268 pages, 24 Experiments, 24 Prelaboratories, Resource database, Further Reading Sections

General Physics Laboratory Mechanics, Light and Thermodynamics presents twenty-four different laboratory exercises including selected quantitative and qualitative experiments. Prelaboratory exercises for each experiment help prepare the student prior to entering the laboratory. Further Reading sections at the end of each laboratory exercise help the student dig deeper into the physics literature. Standardized report sheets help students organize thoughts, tabulate data, and arrive at results. A URL locator for price, equipment and apparatus for each experiment is available in the Instructor’s manual (thumb drive format) for easy online access.
Table of Contents and Preface | First AssignmentExperiment 4 | Experiment 21Experiment 22 | Publisher's Notes



Fundamentals of Algebra, 179 pages, 6 chapters

The Fundamentals of Algebra is designed as a refresher for entering college freshmen. Some of these students encounter difficulties when taking an Algebra and Trigonometry I course because they have forgotten essential mathematics taught in High School Algebra I and Algebra II. Based on the experience of the authors, this textbook reviews all the essential mathematical concepts that will reinforce these students’ foundations and will help them succeed in all college level mathematics courses. As a result, they will be able to confidently consider any major and succeed in it. The textbook uses real world practical problems that emphasize the usefulness of mathematics. Table of Contents | Practice Exercises for Chapter 2 |  Practice Exercises for Chapter 4 |  Publisher's Notes

Physical Science


Physical Science 101 2E,
Quantitative and Qualitative Laboratory Experiments, Southern University Edition 120 pages, 10 Experiments, 10 Prelaboratories, Resource database, 2 Appendices

This second edition emphasizes physics in the laboratory exercises and pedagogic philosophy of Physical Science 2E, Quantitative and Qualitative Laboratory Experiments. New features include an updated and revised Laboratory Equipment and Techniques section, selective report questions, prelaboratory exercises, and Further Reading references. This text provides qualitative and quantitative laboratory exercises to serve the needs of a one-semester physical science program. Table of Contents and Sample Chapter |
|  Publisher's Notes


General Physics Laboratory Electricity and Magnetism, 242 pages, 17 exercises, 17 Prelaboratories, Resource database

In this manual specific laboratory techniques are applied to solve practical problems and to demonstrate the investigative nature of physics. Students learn to distinguish between experimental error, uncertainties, and “blunders.” Students learn how to perform essential laboratory techniques such as dimensional analysis and time interval measurements, as well as how to perform calculations based on experimental data. Moreover, within each laboratory exercise students are guided to appreciate professional conduct in approaches to safety rules, instrument utilization, experiment organization, and neatness in laboratory operations. This text serves the needs of a one-semester E/M physics laboratory program.
Table of Contents  |  Experiment 5 Kirchhoff’s Laws and Multiloop Circuits  
|  Publisher's Notes

Fundamentals of Calculus

Fundamentals of Calculus, Scheduled for Fall 2024

The Fundamentals of Calculus is designed as a refresher for entering college freshmen. It will be finalized and published in Fall 2024. The textbook uses real world practical problems that emphasize the usefulness of calculus and importance in other disciplines. Take a look at this sample chapter: | Chapter 3

Custom Printing and Content

Custom Lab Manual

We provide a customized laboratory manual in support of the specific needs of a general chemistry program of any size or complexity

We will build a manual around exercises within your own portfolio of laboratory experiments. Indeed, we can supplement your efforts from our inventory of well- tested experiments. customize This strategy may be useful to faculty seeking unique, innovative and effective instructional publications. Schools likeDepartments at Tuskegee University, Southern University at Baton Rouge, and the University of the Virgin Islands are using a custom version of the General Chemistry text.

Empire Science Resources provides a customized laboratory manual in support of the specific needs of a general chemistry program of any size or complexity.

University of the Virgin Islands Example

This custom manual offers qualitative and quantitative laboratory exercises to serve the needs of the one-year general chemistry program at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI). We built the manual around exercises within the UVI portfolio of laboratory experiments, supplementing their efforts from our inventory of well-tested experiments. This strategy may be useful to faculty seeking unique, innovative and effective instructional publications.  Thus, we can provide a customized laboratory manual in support of the specific needs of a general chemistry program of any size or complexity..

UVI Table of Contents and Sample Chapter  |  Publisher's Notes



This custom E/M physics laboratory manual provides qualitative and quantitative laboratory exercises to serve the needs of a one-semester general physics program in electromagnetic phenomena. Our motivation is founded in the belief that laboratory studies are an essential part of undergraduate education. Sufficient theory is presented so that students appreciate the phenomena under study while learning how to perform essential laboratory techniques and carrying out informed calculations based on experimental data. Moreover, integral to each exercise is the development of professional conduct including approaches to safety rules, organization, and neatness in laboratory operations.

SUBR Table of Contents | Sample Experiment 4  |  Publisher's Notes

Author and Academic Partnership 

As a scientist, author, researcher, administrator and entrepreneur I understand deeply the need for support systems. At Empire Science Resources you can find a partner for your unfinished text; a collaborator for your lab manual; an editor for your book; and a publisher when you are ready. If you have an idea or a project, please contact me. I look forward to hearing about it.
— Fitzgerald B. Bramwell